I woke up around 6:30 this morning and did my mediation. I thought another beautiful sunny day in Florida. Since it is summer and hot and humid, the time to walk is very early. I decided to head out before my daily call with Margaret (my co writer). I was walking along thinking how beautiful the colors of all the tropical wild flowers are! Purples, orange, reds, and enjoying each step. Waving to the people walking across the street. People do that here. As I continued the sky seemed to be getting darker and darker. Clouds were rolling in but I hoped they would take there time before it started to rain. No such luck half way through my walk it poured. Wow what to do? There was nowhere to take cover so I just kept going towards my house. I was getting soaked. I had two choices to be really aggravated and disappointed or change my perception. I chose the latter. What could possibly be good about this situation? As the rain came down all of the sudden the sun came out! It continued to pour but I began to imagine that there could possibly be a rainbow! I turned to my right and there it was. A huge gorgeous rainbow . One of those rainbows that goes across the sky and is visible all the way down to the ground on both sides. I always feel thrilled when I see them, which is rare. It seems like a great omen of good luck for me! I began to realize that by changing my perception, looking for the good in this downpour, I had manifested this beautiful experience. Of course other forces had something to do with it too. It continued to rain and as I approached my house I had a second realization. In the front of the house the bushes and flowers had seemed very dry and in need of watering. Today they were watered by God! I entered the house very wet but with a smile on my face.
Look at any situation in your life that is bothering you or did not turn out how you had hoped. See if you can perceive the situation in a new way. Looking at it from a new angle. Asking yourself what is the gift in this situation? As Wayne Dyer always says “changing the way you look at things, the things you look at change”.
Self Love (Morning Walk)
Thanks Cindy, Just what I needed. Love the Wayne Dyer Quote!
Self Love (Morning Walk)
Self Love (Morning Walk)
Tom I also now have an online course you might enjoy. Let me know and I can forward you the information!! Cindy