Good day everyone. The concept of surrender has been a mystery to me Surrender is something I have misunderstood for a good part of my life. I thought somehow it was giving up! Losing control for sure. Forfeiting my dreams. In all my years delving into personal growth and my own personal journey of healing it has been something that I have struggled with. I finally understood what the true meaning is.
Letting go of that which no longer serves my highest good. Trusting the Universe to support my deepest desires. Necessary to open the space for things to manifest. What a revelation!
So I put it to the test. I began to work with the idea that I did not need to force results. That merely by putting my intention or wish out to the Universe and trusting, it would come. In the area of my work I sometimes feel a bit aggressive in trying to make things happen. A fine line between taking inspired action and forcing. I had a few spots open for my coaching practice. Felt inspired to go on LinkedIn and share with a few people. While letting the Universe do its magic. Also taking time out to just be and enjoy. I went to the movies in the middle of a workday, and took a hike with a friend for a lovely break in my week. Not pushing to create the results. Voila I manifested a new client. And a former client came back “out of the blue”. There is a flow in all the areas of my world. More energy, fun with friends, meeting new like minded people, and hearing about opportunities. This surrender idea really is the key. Letting go and trusting you will be guided. Taking action when inspired. And enjoying your life now. I have discovered the true meaning of Surrender! I invite you to give it a try! All my best, Cindy.